Test Accounts

Business users can test our API, trades, and algorithms in a safe and secure sandbox environment.

Daniel H avatar
Written by Daniel H
Updated over a week ago

As an advanced trading platform, sFOX supports test accounts for users who want to test out a trade, familiarize themselves with our API, or explore how the sFOX algorithms work in a stress free environment - USD and coin values in test accounts carry no value.

How do I set up a test account?

Visit http://beta.sfox.com and create an account.

Verify and fund your account

Once you create your account, please email support@sfox.com to request that your test account be activated and funded. An sFOX team-member will load your Beta account with ample test-assets. This service and test-assets are provided free of cost.

Please note: It is unnecessary to complete your verification within your test account.

Helpful Hints

API Documentation - https://docs.sfox.com/

API Keys - Your Beta account will have API keys which are accessible from your "API Keys" tab once you log into your account.

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