sFOX does not publish a phone number
There is no listed phone number users may call to receive support for sFOX or partner organizations.
The best way to get help with your immediate issue is to log into your sFOX account and open a live chat with sFOX.
If you are not logged into your account, you may also email support at support@sfox.com.
Please be sure to detail your issue in full and include any screenshots or descriptions which would be helpful in resolving your issue.
sFOX does call certain users to discuss certain transaction and account information
If your account is selected for a call with an sFOX representative, the call is a requirement for your order to be finalized and your order may be cancelled if you are unable to complete the call within 2-weekdays. Please see emailed instructions for how to schedule any necessary calls and note that the call from sFOX will show as an "Unknown" number.